/****************************************************************************** * Shoutbox live features. ******************************************************************************/ var getLink, postLink, sendLink, getTimeout, postTimeout, sendTimeout, updateCycle, idleCycle, idleInterval; var getInProgress = false; var postInProgress = false; var sendInProgress = false; var updatingPost = false; var postWait = false; var soundAlert = true; var toggleOff = '-'; var toggleOn = '+'; var shoutboxUrl = 'http://www2.shoutmix.com/?excapted'; var adminUrl = ''; var updateInterval = 6000; var idleTime = 0; var idleInactive = 10; var idleInterval = 30000; var caretPos = 0; var smileyList = [ [':)', '/smileys/smile.gif'], [':(', '/smileys/sad.gif'], [';)', '/smileys/wink.gif'], [':D', '/smileys/grin.gif'], [':P', '/smileys/tongue.gif'], ['B-)', '/smileys/cool.gif'], [':">', '/smileys/blush.gif'], [':((', '/smileys/cry.gif'], ['8-)', '/smileys/rolleyes.gif'], ['O_o', '/smileys/surprised.gif'], ['/:)', '/smileys/suspicious.gif'], [':eek:', '/smileys/eek.gif'], ['>:)', '/smileys/twisted.gif'], [':thumbsup:', '/smileys/thumbsup.gif'], [':argh:', '/smileys/argh.gif'], [':banghead:', '/smileys/banghead.gif'], [':drool:', '/smileys/drool.gif'], [':wise:', '/smileys/wise.gif'], [':shrug:', '/smileys/shrug.gif'], [':love:', '/smileys/love.gif'], [':buttrock:', '/smileys/buttrock.gif'], ['^O^', '/smileys/notworthy.gif'], ['Fire', 'http://hose1.com/smileys/flame.gif'], ['Nap', 'http://hose1.com/smileys/couch1.gif'], ['Sleep', 'http://hose1.com/smileys/snoop.gif'], ['Bye', 'http://hose1.com/smileys/abducted.gif'], ['Princess', 'http://hose1.com/smileys/princess.gif'], ['BRB', 'http://hose1.com/smileys/brb.gif'], ['Pee', 'http://hose1.com/smileys/broom.gif'], ['dunno', 'http://hose1.com/smileys/noidea.gif'], ['Bed', 'http://hose1.com/smileys/bed3.gif'], ['coffee', 'http://hose1.com/smileys/coffee.gif'], ['SCanner', 'http://hose1.com/scanner.jpg'], ['Sick', 'http://hose1.com/smileys/sick.gif'], ['nono', 'http://hose1.com/smileys/nono2.gif'] ]; function prepare() { // Common enhancements. replaceLinks(); // Everything after this point is for shout form. var form = element('form'); if (!form) return; // Below will be enhancement for form posting. if (element('options')) { // Set style. var status = element('shoutbox'); status.className += (status.className == '') ? 'default' : ' default'; addEvent(element('options'), 'click', toggleEnhanced, false); } // Everything after this point is for shout contents. if (!element('messages') || element('messages').className != 'first') return; // Setup connections. connectRequests(); if (!getLink || !postLink || !sendLink) return; // Connections made, go live! inProgress(false); idleStatus(false); goActive(); setSound(); addEvent(window, 'focus', goActive, false); addEvent(document, 'focus', goActive, false); addEvent(document, 'keyup', goActive, false); addEvent(document, 'mouseup', goActive, false); addEvent(document, 'mouseover', goActive, false); addEvent(document, 'mouseout', goActive, false); addEvent(form, 'submit', postRequest, false); updateCycle = setTimeout(getUpdates, updateInterval); } /****************************************************************************** * Common shoutbox actions. ******************************************************************************/ function maintenance(set) { if (set) { if (element('options')) element('options').disabled = true; element('shout').disabled = true; element('message').disabled = true; element('message').value = 'Read-only mode'; } else { if (element('options')) element('options').disabled = false; element('shout').disabled = false; element('message').disabled = false; element('message').value = ''; } } function goActive() { if (typeof idleTime == 'undefined') return; // Refresh immediately if shoutbox has went inactive. if (idleTime >= idleInactive) { inProgress(true); getUpdates(true); clearTimeout(updateCycle); updateCycle = setTimeout(getUpdates, updateInterval); } // Reset idle count. clearInterval(idleCycle); setTimeout(function() { idleStatus(false); }, 500); idleTime = 0; idleCycle = setInterval(function() { idleTime++; }, 60000); } function inProgress(set) { var status = element('shoutbox'); switch (set) { case true: if (!status.className.match(/\bload active\b/i)) { status.className = status.className.replace(/load(\sactive)?/i, 'load active'); } break; case false: if (!status.className.match(/\bload\b/i)) { status.className += (status.className == '') ? 'load' : ' load'; } if (status.className.match(/\bload active\b/i)) { status.className = status.className.replace(/load active/i, 'load'); } break; default: return (status.className.match(/\bactive\b/i) ? true : false); } } function idleStatus(set) { var status = element('shoutbox'); switch (set) { case false: if (status.className.match(/\bidle\b/i)) { status.className = status.className.replace(/\s?idle/i, ''); } break; case true: if (!status.className.match(/\bidle\b/i)) { status.className += (status.className == '') ? 'idle' : ' idle'; } break; default: return (status.className.match(/\bidle\b/i) ? true : false); } } function resetForm() { var name = element('name'); var message = element('message'); var options = element('options'); if (name.value == '') { name.value = 'Hose1.Com Guest'; } message.value = ''; message.focus(); if (!options) return; if (options.value == toggleOff) toggleEnhanced(); } function focusForm() { if (element('message') && !element('message').disabled) element('message').focus(); } function lockForm(opt) { element('message').disabled = opt; element('shout').focus(); } function toggleEnhanced(e) { createPreview(); createSmileys(); var status = element('shoutbox'); var options = element('options'); if (options.value != toggleOff) { options.value = toggleOff; status.className = status.className.replace(/\bdefault\b/i, 'extra'); } else { options.value = toggleOn; status.className = status.className.replace(/\bextra\b/i, 'default'); } focusForm(); cancelEvent(e); } function updatePreview() { var preview = element('preview'); var message = element('message'); message.focus(); if (message.selectionStart || message.selectionEnd) { caretPos = (message.selectionStart <= message.selectionEnd) ? message.selectionStart : message.selectionEnd; } else if (document.selection) { var sel = document.selection.createRange(); sel.moveStart('character', -message.value.length); caretPos = sel.text.length; } else { caretPos = 0; } preview.firstChild.nodeValue = message.value.substring(0, caretPos) + '|' + message.value.substring(caretPos, message.value.length); } function popShoutbox(e) { var popWidth = 0; var popHeight = 0; if (typeof(window.innerWidth) == 'number') { popWidth = window.innerWidth; popHeight = window.innerHeight; } else if (document.documentElement && (document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.documentElement.clientHeight)) { popWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth; popHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else if (document.body && (document.body.clientWidth || document.body.clientHeight)) { popWidth = document.body.clientWidth; popHeight = document.body.clientHeight; } window.open(shoutboxUrl + (adminUrl ? '=' + adminUrl : ''), 'shoutbox', 'resizable=yes,status=yes,scrollbars=yes,width=' + popWidth + ',height=' + popHeight); cancelEvent(e); } function launchLink(e) { var target = eventTarget(e); if (!target) return; window.open(target.href); cancelEvent(e); } function clearData(e) { if (confirm('Clear all personal details like name/website/mail/login from shoutbox?')) { return; } cancelEvent(e); } function removeShout(e) { if (confirm('Confirm delete?')) { if (element('messages').className != 'first') return; sendRequest(e); } cancelEvent(e); } function removeSpam(e) { if (confirm('Report this junk/spam message? If you just want to delete the message, please press "Cancel" and use the delete function instead.')) { return; } cancelEvent(e); } function removeItem(post) { if (typeof post == 'string') { var post = element(post); } var item = new elementFade(post); item.fadeSize('out', 500); setTimeout(function() { if (post && post.parentNode) post.parentNode.removeChild(post); }, 1500);} function insertSmiley(e) { var target = eventTarget(e); if (!target) return; var message = element('message'); message.value = message.value.substring(0, caretPos) + target.getAttribute('alt') + message.value.substring(caretPos, message.value.length); message.focus(); } function playSound() { if (!soundAlert) return; var flash = window.flashObject || window.document.flashObject || false; try { flash.playSound(); } catch (e) { try { document.getElementById('flashObject').playSound(); } catch (e) { soundAlert = false; } } } /****************************************************************************** * One-time-run enhancements. ******************************************************************************/ function replaceLinks() { var links = document.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { if (links[i].className.match(/\bdelete\b/i)) { addEvent(links[i], 'click', removeShout, false); } else if (links[i].className.match(/\bjunk\b/i)) { addEvent(links[i], 'click', removeSpam, false); } else if (links[i].parentNode.tagName.match(/\b(cite|q)\b/i) && !links[i].className.match(/\boption\b/i)) { addEvent(links[i], 'click', launchLink, false); } else if (links[i].className.match(/\bexternal\b/i)) { addEvent(links[i], 'click', launchLink, false); } } } function createPreview() { var contents = element('contents'); var message = element('message'); if (!message || element('smileys') || element('preview')) return; // Create preview pane. var preview = document.createElement('q'); preview.id = 'preview'; preview.appendChild(document.createTextNode('...')); contents.insertBefore(preview, contents.firstChild); // Message typing triggers live preview. addEvent(message, 'keydown', updatePreview, false); addEvent(message, 'keyup', updatePreview, false); addEvent(message, 'mouseup', updatePreview, false); addEvent(message, 'mousedown', updatePreview, false); addEvent(message, 'change', updatePreview, false); addEvent(message, 'focus', updatePreview, false); // Clicking on preview area focuses on message input. addEvent(preview, 'click', focusForm, false); } function createSmileys() { var contents = element('contents'); var options = element('options'); var paging = element('paging'); if (!options || options.disabled || element('smileys')) return; // Create smiley list. var smileys = document.createElement('ul'); smileys.id = 'smileys'; // Add entries to smiley list. for (var i = 0; i < smileyList.length; i++) { var entry = document.createElement('li'); var img = document.createElement('img'); var code = document.createElement('code'); img.setAttribute('src', smileyList[i][1]); img.setAttribute('alt', smileyList[i][0]); code.appendChild(document.createTextNode(smileyList[i][0])); entry.appendChild(img); entry.appendChild(code); smileys.appendChild(entry); addEvent(img, 'click', insertSmiley, false); } var navi = document.createElement('dl'); var dt = document.createElement('dt'); var dd = document.createElement('dd'); var dd2 = document.createElement('dd'); var link = document.createElement('a'); var pop = document.createElement('a'); link.setAttribute('href', shoutboxUrl + (adminUrl ? '=' + adminUrl : '')); link.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Back to message view')); pop.setAttribute('href', shoutboxUrl + (adminUrl ? '=' + adminUrl : '')); pop.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Pop-up shoutbox')); dt.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Options')); dd.appendChild(link); dd2.appendChild(pop); navi.appendChild(dt); navi.appendChild(dd); navi.appendChild(dd2); navi.id = 'navigation'; contents.insertBefore(smileys, paging); contents.insertBefore(navi, paging); addEvent(link, 'click', toggleEnhanced, false); addEvent(pop, 'click', popShoutbox, false); var dd3 = document.createElement('dd'); var clear = document.createElement('a'); clear.id = 'clear'; clear.setAttribute('href', shoutboxUrl + '&clear=data'); clear.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Clear personal data')); dd3.appendChild(clear); navi.appendChild(dd3); addEvent(clear, 'click', clearData, false); if (soundAlert) { var dd4 = document.createElement('dd'); var mute = document.createElement('a'); mute.id = 'mute'; mute.setAttribute('href', '#'); mute.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Disable sound alert')); dd4.appendChild(mute); navi.appendChild(dd4); addEvent(mute, 'click', function() { soundAlert = false; dd4.parentNode.removeChild(dd4); }, false); } } function setSound() { if (!soundAlert) return; var player = document.createElement('div'); document.body.appendChild(player); player.innerHTML = '\ \ \ \ '; } /****************************************************************************** * XMLHttpRequest stuff. ******************************************************************************/ function connectRequests() { // Native support. if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { getLink = new XMLHttpRequest(); postLink = new XMLHttpRequest(); sendLink = new XMLHttpRequest(); } // IE/Windows ActiveX version else if (window.ActiveXObject) { try { getLink = new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP'); postLink = new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP'); sendLink = new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP'); } catch (e) { try { getLink = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); postLink = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); sendLink = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); } catch (e) { getLink = false; postLink = false; sendLink = false; } } } } function linkInProgress(link) { switch (link.readyState) { case 1: case 2: case 3: return true; break; default: return false; } } function requestTimeout(req) { var update; switch (req) { case 'get': if (updatingPost) { clearTimeout(getTimeout); getTimeout = setTimeout('requestTimeout("get")', updateInterval); updatingPost = false; update = true; } else if (getInProgress || linkInProgress(getLink)) { getLink.abort(); getInProgress = false; update = true; } break; case 'post': if (postInProgress || linkInProgress(postLink)) { lockForm(false); postLink.abort(); postInProgress = false; postWait = false; if (confirm('Live posting timed out! Do you wish to post via form submission instead?')) { element('form').submit(); } update = true; } break; case 'send': if (sendInProgress || linkInProgress(sendLink)) { alert('Request timed out! Please try again later.'); sendLink.abort(); sendInProgress = false; update = true; } break; default: if (linkInProgress(getLink)) getLink.abort(); if (linkInProgress(postLink)) postLink.abort(); if (linkInProgress(sendLink)) sendLink.abort(); getInProgress = false; postInProgress = false; sendInProgress = false; update = true; } if (!update) return; clearTimeout(updateCycle); setTimeout('inProgress(false)', 500); updateCycle = setTimeout(getUpdates, updateInterval); } function sendRequest(e) { if (!sendLink) return; if (sendInProgress) { alert('Previous request still in progress. Please wait...'); cancelEvent(e); return; } var target = eventTarget(e); if (!target) return; // Send process starts. inProgress(true); clearTimeout(sendTimeout); // Lock process. sendInProgress = true; sendTimeout = setTimeout('requestTimeout("send")', updateInterval * 3); // Get path and query string. sendLink.open('GET', target.href + '&live=yes', true); sendLink.onreadystatechange = function() { try { if (sendLink.readyState != 4) return; if (sendLink.status != 200) return; } catch (e) { return; } try { var sent = (sendLink.responseText == 'redirect') ? true : false; } catch (e) { var sent = false; } sendInProgress = false; if (!sent) return; getUpdates(); } sendLink.send(null); cancelEvent(e); } function postRequest(e) { if (postInProgress || postWait) { alert('Current post request still in progress. Please wait...'); cancelEvent(e); return; } var code = element('code').value; var name = element('name').value; var url = element('url') ? element('url').value : ''; var message = element('message').value; if (message == '') { focusForm(); cancelEvent(e); return; } if (message.length < 2) { alert('Message is too short. Please type at least 2 characters for the message field.'); cancelEvent(e); return; } // Post process starts. inProgress(true); clearTimeout(postTimeout); // Lock post request. postInProgress = true; postWait = true; postTimeout = setTimeout('requestTimeout("post")', updateInterval * 3); lockForm(true); postLink.open('POST', shoutboxUrl + '=' + (adminUrl ? adminUrl + '_' : '') + 'process', true); postLink.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); postLink.onreadystatechange = function() { try { if (postLink.readyState != 4) return; if (postLink.status != 200) return; } catch (e) { return; } try { var posted = (postLink.responseText == 'redirect') ? true : false; } catch (e) { var posted = false; } // Post request complete. postInProgress = false; setTimeout('postWait = false', 500); lockForm(false); // Let the form handle itself if post returned error. if (!posted) { element('form').submit(); } else { resetForm(); getUpdates(); } } postLink.send('live=yes&code=' + encodeURIComponent(code) + '&name=' + encodeURIComponent(name) + '&url=' + encodeURIComponent(url) + '&message=' + encodeURIComponent(message)); cancelEvent(e); } // Get shoutbox changes. function getUpdates(force) { if (!getLink || linkInProgress(getLink) || getInProgress || postInProgress || sendInProgress || updatingPost) return; if (!force && (idleTime >= idleInactive)) { idleStatus(true); return; } // Get first and last message IDs. var list = element('messages'); var first = list.firstChild; var last = list.lastChild; while (first) { if (first.nodeType == 3) { first = first.nextSibling; } else { break; } } while (last) { if (last.nodeType == 3) { last = last.previousSibling; } else { break; } } // Start get. clearTimeout(getTimeout); getInProgress = true; getTimeout = setTimeout('requestTimeout("get")', updateInterval); getLink.open('GET', shoutboxUrl + '=' + (adminUrl ? adminUrl + '_' : '') + 'update&fid=' + first.id + '&lid=' + last.id + '&time=' + new Date().getTime(), true); getLink.onreadystatechange = function() { try { if (getLink.readyState != 4) return; if (getLink.status != 200) return; } catch (e) { return; } setTimeout('getInProgress = false', 500); updatePosts(); } getLink.send(null); } // Load XML data and update shoutbox contents. function updatePosts() { if (!getLink || linkInProgress(getLink) || updatingPost) return; // Start process. updatingPost = true; // Get shoutbox document. try { var shout = getLink.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('shoutbox')[0]; } catch (e) { updatingPost = false; requestTimeout('get'); return; } // Update header status. var counter = shout.getAttribute('time'); var header = document.getElementsByTagName('h2')[0]; var newHeader = document.createElement('h2'); if (!header.firstChild.nodeValue.match(/maintenance/i) && counter.match(/read/)) { // Go into maintenance. maintenance(true); } else if (header.firstChild.nodeValue.match(/maintenance/i) && !counter.match(/read/)) { // Go back to normal. maintenance(false); } if (counter.match(/read/)) { var readOnly = document.createElement('a'); readOnly.href = shoutboxUrl + '=read_only'; readOnly.appendChild(document.createTextNode('read-only mode')); newHeader.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Maintenance: ')); newHeader.appendChild(readOnly); } else if (shout.getAttribute('online')) { var online = document.createElement('a'); online.href = shoutboxUrl + (adminUrl ? '=' + adminUrl : '') + '&online'; online.appendChild(document.createTextNode(shout.getAttribute('online') + ' online')); newHeader.appendChild(document.createTextNode(counter + ', ')); newHeader.appendChild(online); } else { newHeader.appendChild(document.createTextNode(counter)); } header.parentNode.replaceChild(newHeader, header); // Update paging links. changePages(shout.getAttribute('pages')); // Set list variables. var messages = element('messages'); var newList = shout.getElementsByTagName('post'); var postList = []; var first = messages.firstChild; var last = messages.lastChild; while (first) { if (first.nodeType == 3) { first = first.nextSibling; } else { break; } } while (last) { if (last.nodeType == 3) { last = last.previousSibling; } else { break; } } var fid = parseInt(first.getAttribute('id').replace('p', '')); var lid = parseInt(last.getAttribute('id').replace('p', '')); // List new messages. for (var i = 0; i < newList.length; i++) { if ((newList[i].getAttribute('id') > fid) || (newList[i].getAttribute('id') < lid)) { postList.unshift(i); } } // Delete system note for empty post. if (element('p0') && (postList.length > 0)) { messages.removeChild(messages.getElementsByTagName('li')[0]); } // Update existing posts. var curPost = messages.lastChild; while (curPost) { var tempPost = curPost.previousSibling; // Remove any empty text nodes. if (curPost.nodeType != 1) { curPost.parentNode.removeChild(curPost); curPost = tempPost; continue; } // Get info of post. var id = curPost.getAttribute('id').replace('p', ''); var status = false; var option = false; // Find in new list. for (var i = 0; i < newList.length; i++) { if (id == newList[i].getAttribute('id')) { option = newList[i].getAttribute('option'); status = newList[i].getAttribute('status'); break; } } // If not in list, delete. if (!status) { removeItem('p' + id); } else { // Update status. switch (status) { case 'on': { var status_label = 'On'; var status_tag = 'online'; break; } case 'off': { var status_label = 'Off'; var status_tag = 'offline'; break; } default: { var status_label = '#'; var status_tag = 'ip'; } } curPost.getElementsByTagName('dd')[1].firstChild.nodeValue = status_label; curPost.className = curPost.className.match(/\badmin\b/i) ? status_tag + ' admin' : status_tag; } curPost = tempPost; } var newMessage = false; for (var i = 0; i < postList.length; i++) { var curPos = postList[i]; var nextPos = curPos + 1; var post = newList[curPos]; // Get details. var shoutId = post.getAttribute('id'); var shoutOption = post.getAttribute('option'); var shoutStatus = post.getAttribute('status'); var shoutUser = post.getElementsByTagName('user')[0]; var shoutTime = post.getElementsByTagName('message')[0].getAttribute('time'); var shoutItems = post.getElementsByTagName('item'); var shoutName = shoutUser.firstChild.nodeValue; var shoutUrl = shoutUser.getAttribute('href'); var shoutType = shoutUser.getAttribute('type'); var shoutData = shoutUser.getAttribute('data'); // Add post. var li = document.createElement('li'); var cite = document.createElement('cite'); var name = document.createTextNode(shoutName); var q = document.createElement('q'); var dl = document.createElement('dl'); var dt = document.createElement('dt'); var dd1 = document.createElement('dd'); var dd2 = document.createElement('dd'); var c = []; if (shoutType && shoutType.match(/admin/)) c.push('admin'); if (shoutUrl) { var a = document.createElement('a'); a.setAttribute('href', shoutUrl); a.appendChild(name); cite.appendChild(a); addEvent(a, 'click', launchLink, false); } else { cite.appendChild(name); } // Form message content. for (var j = 0; j < shoutItems.length; j++) { var itemType = shoutItems[j].getAttribute('type'); if (itemType == 'spacer') { q.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ')); continue; } var itemValue = shoutItems[j].firstChild.nodeValue; if (itemType == 'url') { var a = document.createElement('a'); a.setAttribute('href', itemValue); a.setAttribute('title', itemValue); a.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Link Here')); q.appendChild(a); addEvent(a, 'click', launchLink, false); } else if (itemType == 'mail') { var a = document.createElement('a'); a.setAttribute('href', 'mailto:' + itemValue); a.setAttribute('title', itemValue); a.appendChild(document.createTextNode('mail')); q.appendChild(a); } else if (itemType == 'smiley') { var img = document.createElement('img'); img.setAttribute('src', shoutItems[j].getAttribute('href')); img.setAttribute('title', itemValue); img.setAttribute('alt', itemValue); q.appendChild(img); } else { q.appendChild(document.createTextNode(itemValue)); } } li.appendChild(cite); li.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ')); li.appendChild(q); li.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ')); if (shoutOption) { var optionItems = shoutOption.split(' '); var div = document.createElement('div'); for (var j = 0; j < optionItems.length; j++) { if (optionItems[j] == '') continue; var a = document.createElement('a'); a.className = 'option ' + optionItems[j]; a.setAttribute('href', shoutboxUrl + '=' + (adminUrl ? adminUrl + '_' : '') + 'process&' + optionItems[j] + '=' + shoutId); a.appendChild(document.createTextNode(optionItems[j])); div.appendChild(a); div.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ')); if (optionItems[j] == 'delete') { addEvent(a, 'click', removeShout, false); } else if (optionItems[j] == 'junk') { addEvent(a, 'click', removeSpam, false); } } li.appendChild(div); } dt.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Details')); dd1.appendChild(document.createTextNode(shoutTime)); switch (shoutStatus) { case 'on': { dd2.appendChild(document.createTextNode('On')); c.push('online'); break; } case 'off': { dd2.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Off')); c.push('offline'); break; } default: { dd2.appendChild(document.createTextNode('#')); c.push('ip'); } } li.id = 'p' + shoutId; li.className = c.join(' '); dd1.className = 'date'; dd2.className = 'status'; dd2.setAttribute('title', shoutData); dl.appendChild(dt); dl.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ')); dl.appendChild(dd1); dl.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ')); dl.appendChild(dd2); li.appendChild(dl); // Add to list. if ((nextPos < newList.length) && newList[nextPos].getAttribute('id')) { messages.insertBefore(li, element('p' + newList[nextPos].getAttribute('id'))); newMessage = true; } else { messages.appendChild(li); } // Get current first post. var firstItem = messages.getElementsByTagName('li')[0]; // New post add colour fade, else fade in. if (firstItem && (parseInt(shoutId) != 0) && (parseInt(shoutId) >= parseInt(firstItem.getAttribute('id').replace('p', '')))) { var fadeItem = new elementFade(li); fadeItem.fadeColor('from', '.highlight', 1000); } } // Update complete. updatingPost = false; clearTimeout(getTimeout); clearTimeout(updateCycle); idleStatus(false); if (idleTime > 0) { updateCycle = setTimeout(getUpdates, idleInterval); } else { updateCycle = setTimeout(getUpdates, updateInterval); } if (!postInProgress && !sendInProgress && inProgress()) { setTimeout('inProgress(false)', 500); } if (newMessage && soundAlert) { playSound(); newMessage = false; } } // Set paging links. function changePages(pages) { var paging = element('paging'); var part = paging.getElementsByTagName('dd'); var links = part[0].getElementsByTagName('a'); var last = links.length - 1; var total = (links.length > 0) ? links[last].firstChild.nodeValue : 1; // No changes, return. if (pages == total) return; // Add first page. var list = document.createElement('dd'); var navi = document.createElement('dd'); var n = document.createElement('strong'); n.appendChild(document.createTextNode('1')); list.appendChild(n); // Remaining pages. if (pages > 1) { // Fit all remaining pages. if (pages <= 6) { for (var i = 2; i <= pages; i++) { var n = document.createElement('a'); n.setAttribute('href', shoutboxUrl + (adminUrl ? '=' + adminUrl : '') + '&view=' + i); n.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i)); list.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ')); list.appendChild(n); } } else { // All until limit for (var i = 2; i < 6; i++) { var n = document.createElement('a'); n.setAttribute('href', shoutboxUrl + (adminUrl ? '=' + adminUrl : '') + '&view=' + i); n.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i)); list.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ')); list.appendChild(n); } // Split. list.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ' + String.fromCharCode(8230) + ' ')); // Last page. var n = document.createElement('a'); n.setAttribute('href', shoutboxUrl + (adminUrl ? '=' + adminUrl : '') + '&view=' + pages); n.appendChild(document.createTextNode(pages)); list.appendChild(n); } var next = document.createElement('a'); next.setAttribute('href', shoutboxUrl + (adminUrl ? '=' + adminUrl : '') + '&view=2'); next.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Next')); navi.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ')); navi.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Previous')); navi.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ')); navi.appendChild(next); } else { navi.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ')); navi.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Previous Next')); } // Update. paging.replaceChild(list, part[0]); paging.replaceChild(navi, part[1]); } /****************************************************************************** * Opacity fade from style color to default color or size fade. ******************************************************************************/ function elementFade(obj) { if (typeof obj == 'string') { obj = element(obj); } this.target = obj; // Get initial size. var s = [ parseInt(getStyle(obj, 'paddingTop')), parseInt(getStyle(obj, 'paddingBottom')), parseInt(getStyle(obj, 'marginTop')), parseInt(getStyle(obj, 'marginBottom')) ]; this.size = { height : obj.offsetHeight, paddingBefore : isNaN(s[0]) ? 0 : s[0], paddingAfter : isNaN(s[1]) ? 0 : s[1], marginBefore : isNaN(s[2]) ? 0 : s[2], marginAfter : isNaN(s[3]) ? 0 : s[3] } // Initial background color. while (obj) { var c = getColor(getStyle(obj, 'backgroundColor')); if (c || obj.tagName.match(/html/i)) break; obj = obj.parentNode; } if (!c) { c = getColor(document.bgColor); } this.color = { r : parseInt(c.substr(1,2), 16), g : parseInt(c.substr(3,2), 16), b : parseInt(c.substr(5,2), 16) } // Calculation for tween values. this.value = function(pos, from, to, invert) { if (from == to) return from; var value = this.transition(pos) * (to - from) + from; return Math.round(invert ? to + from - value : value); } // Transitions for tweening. this.transition = function(pos) { return (0.5 - Math.cos(pos * Math.PI) / 2); } } elementFade.prototype.fadeSize = function(method, duration, fps) { if (!this.size.height) return; clearTimeout(this.sizeTimer); var duration = duration ? duration : 500; var fps = fps ? fps : 60; this.sizeFade = { invert : (method != 'in') ? true : false, steps : (fps * duration < 1000) ? 1 : Math.floor(fps * duration / 1000), delay : (fps > 100) ? 10 : Math.floor(1000 / fps) } this.target.style.overflow = 'hidden'; this.target.style.display = 'block'; this.setSize(0); } elementFade.prototype.setSize = function(step) { var self = this; var size = this.size; var pos = step / this.sizeFade.steps; var set = this.target.style; var height = this.value(pos, 0, this.size.height - this.size.paddingBefore - this.size.paddingAfter, this.sizeFade.invert); if (height > 0) { set.display = 'block'; set.height = height + 'px'; } else { set.display = 'none'; } set.paddingTop = this.value(pos, 0, this.size.paddingBefore, this.sizeFade.invert) + 'px'; set.paddingBottom = this.value(pos, 0, this.size.paddingAfter, this.sizeFade.invert) + 'px'; set.marginTop = this.value(pos, 0, this.size.marginBefore, this.sizeFade.invert) + 'px'; set.marginBottom = this.value(pos, 0, this.size.marginAfter, this.sizeFade.invert) + 'px'; if (step < this.sizeFade.steps) { this.sizeTimer = setTimeout(function() { self.setSize(step + 1); }, this.sizeFade.delay); } else if (!this.sizeFade.invert) { set.height = 'auto'; set.overflow = 'visible'; } } elementFade.prototype.fadeColor = function(method, style, duration, fps) { var obj = this.target; var color = getColor(getSelectorStyle(style).backgroundColor); if (!color) return; clearTimeout(this.colorTimer); var duration = duration ? duration : 500; var fps = fps ? fps : 60; this.colorFade = { r : parseInt(color.substr(1,2), 16), g : parseInt(color.substr(3,2), 16), b : parseInt(color.substr(5,2), 16), invert : (method != 'to') ? true : false, steps : (fps * duration < 1000) ? 1 : Math.floor(fps * duration / 1000), delay : (fps > 100) ? 10 : Math.floor(1000 / fps) } this.setColor(0); } elementFade.prototype.setColor = function(step) { var self = this; var pos = step / this.colorFade.steps; if (step < this.colorFade.steps) { this.target.style.backgroundColor = getColor('rgb(' + this.value(pos, this.color.r, this.colorFade.r, this.colorFade.invert) + ', ' + this.value(pos, this.color.g, this.colorFade.g, this.colorFade.invert) + ', ' + this.value(pos, this.color.b, this.colorFade.b, this.colorFade.invert) + ')'); this.colorTimer = setTimeout(function() { self.setColor(step + 1); }, this.colorFade.delay); } else { this.target.style.backgroundColor = ''; } } /****************************************************************************** * Common global functions. ******************************************************************************/ // Short for getElementById function element(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } // Get CSS style. function getStyle(obj, prop) { if (typeof obj == 'string') { obj = document.getElementById(obj); } if (obj.style[prop]) { return obj.style[prop]; } else if (obj.currentStyle) { return obj.currentStyle[prop]; } else if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) { prop = prop.replace(/([A-Z])/g, '-$1'); prop = prop.toLowerCase(); return document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(obj, null).getPropertyValue(prop); } return null; } // Get style from CSS stylesheet. function getSelectorStyle(selector) { if (!document.styleSheets) return false; for (i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++) { if (document.styleSheets[i].cssRules) { var rules = document.styleSheets[i].cssRules; } else if (document.styleSheets[i].rules) { var rules = document.styleSheets[i].rules; } else { return false; } for (j = 0; j < rules.length; j++) { if (rules[j].selectorText == selector) { return rules[j].style; } } } return false; } // Returns proper colour value. function getColor(color) { if (!color) return; var hex = color.match(/^#[0-9A-F]{6}$/i); var rgb = color.match(/rgb\s*\(\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*\)/i); if (hex) return color; if (!rgb) return false; var r = parseInt(rgb[1]).toString(16); var g = parseInt(rgb[2]).toString(16); var b = parseInt(rgb[3]).toString(16); return ('#' + ((r.length == 1) ? 0 : '') + r + ((g.length == 1) ? 0 : '') + g + ((b.length == 1) ? 0 : '') + b); } // Cross-browser event handling. function addEvent(element, eventType, lamdaFunction, useCapture) { if (element.addEventListener) { element.addEventListener(eventType, lamdaFunction, useCapture); } else if (element.attachEvent) { element.attachEvent('on' + eventType, lamdaFunction); } } // Get event target. function eventTarget(e) { if (!e) var e = window.event; return e.target ? e.target : e.srcElement; } // Kills an event's propagation and default action function cancelEvent(eventObject) { if (eventObject && eventObject.stopPropagation) eventObject.stopPropagation(); if (eventObject && eventObject.preventDefault) eventObject.preventDefault(); if (window.event && window.event.cancelBubble) window.event.cancelBubble = true; if (window.event) window.event.returnValue = false; } /****************************************************************************** * Start-up call. ******************************************************************************/ function init() { if (!element('footer')) setTimeout(init, 100); else prepare(); } init();